The 7th edition of the Future of Transport Conference gathered over 105 in-person participants and over 300 virtual attendees, exploring pressing issues facing the European transport sector in achieving its ambition for a greener, more intelligent, safer and efficient transport system.
The key focuses for the panel discussions covered:
Speakers for the 2022 edition included:
Henrik is an economist by training and holds degrees from Tallinn Technical University and Aarhus University in Denmark.
He held various positions in the Estonian Government Office between 1995 and 2004. He was mainly responsible for coordinating the work for the Estonian accession to the European Union. In 2001-2002, he was Minister of Economy.
In 2004, he moved to the European Commission as Head of Cabinet of Vice President Siim Kallas until 2013, when he became Deputy Secretary-General.
In October 2015, he became Director-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission.
Married, one daughter.
Director-General, DG MOVE
European Commission
Winfried Hermann is the minister of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg in the cabinet of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann since Mai 2011. Minister Hermann is in charge of topics concerning road engineering, public transport, bicycle traffic, foot traffic, rail traffic, car traffic, air traffic, barge traffic and infrastructure. This also includes air pollution control and the protection of nature and against noise.
A sustainable new mobility is the guiding principle of the policy of the Ministry of Transport. Human beings, their health and mobility needs and the environment are always the central focus of all the activities.
Minister Hermann is also a member of The Green Party and of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg.
Minister of Transport
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
A lawyer by training, Daniel started his career at the European Commission in its competition department. There he worked on transport and digital technology files. During the last Commission term, he managed relations with the European Parliament and the Council, including on digital policy files, and was a speechwriter to Margrethe Vestager. Since 1 December 2019, he works in the Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans on Transport and on digital aspects of the European Green Deal.
Member of Cabinet, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
European Commission
Filip Negreanu-Arboreanu is Deputy Head of Cabinet for the Transport Commissioner at the European Commission, in charge of relations with the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, of the European Green Deal and the coordination of the digitalisation of transport. He joined the European Commission in December 2019 and is currently responsible for the long-term strategy for sustainable and smart mobility, and for the transport aspects of the Green Deal.
Over the last ten years, he has been working as Policy Advisor in the European Parliament, for the Chair of the Industry, Research and Energy and the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committees. During this time, Filip Negreanu coordinated policies on energy infrastructure, Emissions Trading Scheme, CO2 emissions, eCall and EU innovative funding mechanisms, such as Project Bonds.
Among the main legislative dossiers closely followed is the report on the Connecting Europe Facility, which identified and responded to the needs of designing a new financing mechanism that would address market failure and long-term financing needs for energy infrastructure.
Filip holds a PhD in Geopolitics at the University of Bucharest focusing on the development of a regional gas hub in Southeastern Europe, and a Masters of Arts in Business Administration.
Deputy Head of Cabinet for Commissioner Adina Vălean
European Commission
Mr Adrià Gomila Civit is an Industrial Engineer. Mobility is the centre of his extensive work experience and since 2011 he has held the position of Director of Mobility Services of the Barcelona City Council.
Director of Mobility Services
Barcelona City Council
The 6th edition reflected on the challenging year of 2020 had on the transport sector across Europe. Over 320 virtual attendees gathered to discuss the critical pillars of EU transport policy, and explore digital innovation, connectivity, safety and how the transport sector fits within the EU’s vision for an economy that is both green and digital.
The key themes for the event included:
Henrik is an economist by training and holds degrees from Tallinn Technical University and Aarhus University in Denmark.
He held various positions in the Estonian Government Office between 1995 and 2004. He was mainly responsible for coordinating the work for the Estonian accession to the European Union. In 2001-2002, he was Minister of Economy.
In 2004, he moved to the European Commission as Head of Cabinet of Vice President Siim Kallas until 2013, when he became Deputy Secretary-General.
In October 2015, he became Director-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission.
Married, one daughter.
European Commission
Ms. Ditte Juul Jørgensen became the Director-General for Energy at the European Commission on 1 August 2019. In this capacity, she leads the Directorate-General and its efforts to ensure access to affordable, secure, reliable and clean energy for all Europeans; to promote efficient production and use of energy; and to drive the process of becoming the first climate-neutral continent while contributing to Europe’s sustainable growth and job creation.
Before assuming this role, Ms. Juul Jørgensen served as the Head of Cabinet for Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. During this time, Ms. Juul Jørgensen steered work to ensure that all companies compete equally and fairly on their own merits to benefit consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole.
A committed civil servant in the European Commission since 1992, Ms. Juul Jørgensen also held Head of Unit and Director positions in the Directorate-General for Trade. It was here that she managed European Union policy and negotiations in the World Trade Organization, provided legal advice and led dispute settlement work. Ms. Juul Jørgensen has almost twenty years of experience in multilateral trade policy and World Trade Organization matters. As Head of Unit, she has also worked on sustainable development, sanitary and phytosanitary issues and European Union trade relations with partner countries.
Ms. Juul Jørgensen’s career also includes service as the Head of the Economic Section of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations in New York, where she represented the European Union on trade, sustainable development, international partnerships, finance and legal issues. Other formative experiences include work in the Directorate-General for Competition and at the European Court of Justice.
Ms. Juul Jørgensen is a law graduate from the University of Copenhagen and the College of Europe. She is married and has three children.
Director-General, DG ENER
European Commission
Bio will be updated shortly.
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing, Portugal
Ahti Kuningas, the Deputy Secretary General for Transport co-ordinates the development, implementation and surveillance of transportational development plans within the Ministry’s area of government. The Deputy Secretary General is in charge of the development and implementation of operational programmes that support transportational development, emergency plans, target programmes and foreign aid projects.
Ahti Kuningas has obtained a master’s degree in Economics at the University of Tartu. Additionally he has gone through the Executive Education of Professional Board Member trainings in the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance.
Ahti Kuningas has been the Deputy Secretary General for Economic Development before becoming Deputy Secretary General for Transport in 2015. During this time he has coordinated and lead the Estonian aviation, maritime, railway, road and public transport infrastructure and service development daily, having a wholesome and coherent view on the transport sector as a whole.
Ahti has long-term experience in contributing to the well being of organisations, having been in the Supervisory Boards of seven organisations, which have operated in the maritime, aviation and railway industries. With his experience and a birds-eye view of the transport sector, he brings the needed know-how to create a multi-modal transport infrastructure for Rail Baltica.
Deputy Secretary General for Transport
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
A lawyer by training, Daniel Mes started his career at the European Commission in its competition department. There he worked on transport and digital technology files. During the last Commission term, he managed relations with the European Parliament and the Council, including on digital policy files, and was a speechwriter to Margrethe Vestager. Since 1 December 2019, Mr Mes has worked in the Cabinet of Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans on digital aspects of the European Green Deal.
Member of Cabinet, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans
European Commission
Key themes discussed:
The 5th edition gathered 240+ delegates, and saw the panels exploring the role technology will play in achieving our vision for the future of mobility and discussing what we can expect from the next five years of EU policymaking under the leadership of the new Commission in this sector.
The key topics covered throughout this edition:
Speakers for the 2020 edition included:
Henrik is an economist by training and holds degrees from Tallinn Technical University and Aarhus University in Denmark.
He held various positions in the Estonian Government Office between 1995 and 2004. He was mainly responsible for coordinating the work for the Estonian accession to the European Union. In 2001-2002, he was Minister of Economy.
In 2004, he moved to the European Commission as Head of Cabinet of Vice President Siim Kallas until 2013, when he became Deputy Secretary-General.
In October 2015, he became Director-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission.
Married, one daughter.
European Commission
Mikael Nyberg serves as a Director-General and High-Level Representative for transport and communications policy in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland.
Mr Nyberg has extensive experience in the field of Transports and Communication, serving in the ministry since 1994. He has also been a Vice Chairman of the Boards of Road Administration, Rail Administration and Vehicle Administration from 2006 to 2009. His field of expertise and interests are communication and transport networks, cyber security, data and digitalization.
He holds a degree in Master of Laws from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Director-General and High Representative
Ministry of Transport & Communications of Finland
Claire Depré is working at the European Commission.
She is leading the unit responsible for Intelligent Transport Systems since 2013 and manages also European policies on alternative fuels infrastructure and urban mobility since 2016. Together with her team, she has contributed to unlock barriers to the access to transport data and in the EU and develop a European agenda in the field of cooperative, connected and automated mobility in road transport.
Head of Unit for Intelligent Transport System, DG MOVE
European Commission
Alex Paquot currently heads the Road Transport Unit in DG CLIMA at the European Commission, in charge of the CO2 emission standards from cars and heavy-duty vehicles. Previously, he was the Head of Unit on Monitoring, Reporting & Verification, supporting the evaluation of climate policy. He also served as an Assistant to the Director-General. Prior to this, he occupied several functions in DG ENV in the field of industrial emissions and waste management.
Head of Unit for Road Transport, DG CLIMA
European Commission
Mrs Delli was elected to the European Parliament in 2009, 2014 and again in 2019. During her second term, she served on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and moving on to the Committee on Transport and Tourism after the 2014 elections. In 2017, she was elected as Chairwoman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) and was subsequently re-elected in 2019.
Mrs Delli has always expressed her support for the development of a more sustainable urban mobility model, especially reflected in her own-initiative report on the topic. In her report, she insisted on the importance to redirect urban mobility towards more sustainable modes of transport, with the goal of facing up to the challenges of our century: protecting the climate, public health and promoting the accessibility of mobility.
Convinced that a priority must be given to plans for sustainable urban mobility and clean transport, while actively working on modal shift and inter-modality, she supported and mentioned in her report the UITP objective to double the modal share of public transport by 2025.
Karima Delli was in the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the automotive sector, where she was Vice-Chair.
MEP, Chair of Transport and Tourism Committee
European Parliament
The 4th edition gathered over 100 delegates, and focused on the technological innovations revolutionising the transport sector and redefining Europe’s mobility systems. It explored how Europe can play a leading role in the development and implementation of transport innovation.
The key topics for the conference were:
Speakers for the 2018 edition included:
Henrik is an economist by training and holds degrees from Tallinn Technical University and Aarhus University in Denmark.
He held various positions in the Estonian Government Office between 1995 and 2004. He was mainly responsible for coordinating the work for the Estonian accession to the European Union. In 2001-2002, he was Minister of Economy.
In 2004, he moved to the European Commission as Head of Cabinet of Vice President Siim Kallas until 2013, when he became Deputy Secretary-General.
In October 2015, he became Director-General for Mobility and Transport in the European Commission.
Married, one daughter.
Director-General, DG MOVE
European Commission
Minister of Planning and Infrastructure
Volodymyr Omelyan graduated from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the faculty of International Relations, specialized in Finance and International relations as well as from the Lviv Polytechnic National University with a focus on Economics and Business.
During 2000-2008, he was working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine as well as at the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the International Organizations in Vienna.
During 2009-2013, he held the number of senior positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Finance.
Since March until December of 2014 – the Head of Minister’s Office at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. At the end of December 2014, he was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Head of Administration. He has initiated a number of strategic, operational changes at the Ministry.
In April 14, 2016, he was appointed as the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine. He set off for a highly demanding and much needed process to scale up transport infrastructure reforms in Ukraine. His priorities are the formation of a free market of transport services, boost of investments and attraction of global leading companies, digitalization of infrastructure, innovation as well as advocacy of the breakthrough ideas in transport sector. He has been a strong advocate for creating a test platform for Hyperloop technologies in Ukraine and is working to realize the project in the nearest future.
Volodymyr Omelyan is a member of the National Investment Council of Ukraine.
Minister of Infrastructure
Artur Runge-Metzger, Director ‘Climate Strategy, governance and emissions from non-trading sectors’, DG Climate Action of the European Commission.
He took up his current position on 1 January 2016. The current directorate covers international and EU climate strategy and economic assessment and evaluation, EU domestic legislative initiatives related to households, road transport (including CO2 emission standards for cars, vans and trucks), waste, agriculture and forestry, carbon capture, use and storage, various financing instruments for EU innovation, monitoring, reporting, and verification.
Since 1 September 2003, he was first Head of Unit, and since 2009 Director focussing on international and domestic climate strategy, international climate change negotiations, climate finance, land use and monitoring and reporting. During this time he was one of the EU lead negotiators, Vice-President of the UNFCCC Bureau in 2010-2012, and also co-chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in 2013/14 preparing the Paris Agreement.
Before this, he spent two years as Head of Operations in the EC Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.
From the end of 1997 until 2001, he worked in DG Development and DG Environment in Brussels on a wide range of environmental issues, particularly climate change in developing countries.
He joined the European Commission in 1993, when he was first responsible for the bilateral co-operation covering agricultural policies, rural development and the environment in the EC Delegation in Zimbabwe in Harare.
After his University education, he started his professional career at the University of Göttingen, Germany in 1985. His main scientific and lecturing topics were natural resources economics and development economics, including extensive field research in rural West Africa.
Director, DG CLIMA
European Commission
Mr Hartog has Dutch nationality and was born and raised in Utrecht (the Netherlands). He obtained a degree in political economics at the Erasmus University (Rotterdam) and subsequently a post-graduate degree at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium). He has worked in the European Commission since 1989, first in Trade policy, then in Regional policy and in Maritime policy and lately in Information Society and Media policy. He is a Head of Unit since 2003. His present responsibility (since July 2016) is Head of Unit for Smart Mobility and Living in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology. Mr Hartog is married and has two daughters.
Head of Unit, Smart Mobility and Living, DG CONNECT
European Commission
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